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The Esparza Family Welcomes Baby Boy

Victoria, TX


The Esparza Family of 6 is complete! Let’s help them welcome Jonah!!! 💙 Jonah was born on 2/7/2024 at 9:50 a.m. 7lb 1oz 20in Please keep the Esparza Family in prayer as they settle in to their “new normal.” More specifically, pray for quick healing for Mai as she recovers from a painful c-section, strength and wisdom for Nico as he cares for Mai and the boys during this recovery period, peace over the boys (David, Daniel, James, & Jonah), and pain free breastfeeding for Mai and Jonah.

Special Notes

2 adults, 3 kids No allergies 13202 N Navarro St Lot 146 (Back row of RV park with a deck and RV cover) Ideas for the kids: spaghetti, pizza, chicken nuggets/fries, rice and grilled chicken, and corn dogs.

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