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Coon Family Support

Portland, OR


Many people of so graciously asked how they can help the Coon family in this time with Jordan in the NICU. Mckenzie has recently expressed that being in the NICU can be a very lonely place and would like some visitor support especially when Josh goes back to work mid-feburary. We have created a calendar below where people can sign up to come and sit with Mckenzie for an hour or two at a time during the week. Although depending on the day you may have the chance to hold Jordan, we hope the focus will be to sit, chat and /or encourage Mckenzie while she holds Jordan. If this is something you are interested in, please don't hesitate to schedule a time slot, they very much appreciate your support in this capacity at this time.

Special Notes

please text Mckenzie day before or morning of, to confirm the details of the visit (time, location etc)

Care Calendar