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Caring for Krissy Boyd & Boys

Cary, NC


On August 21st, Krissy walked into work with shortness of breath and a coworker brought her to the ED. They found a mass on her chest and was admitted. August 23rd, Krissy had a Mediastinectomy, the first surgery of her life and then received the diagnosis of Hodgkins Lymphoma. On 9/6 she will meet with the oncologist for more tests and a treatment plan. She is optimistic, resilient and realistic about what their "new normal" will look like . How we can support her and the family will surely evolve during this new journey but she's overwhelmed with the kindness you have all shown. Thanks for the love, food, texts, rides, playdates and more! We will post updates as they come

Special Notes

The days requested are staggered at random to avoid waste but they welcome food at any time. Krissy is so thankful to "not use brainpower" planning meals and allows them to focus on her health and spend time as a family! Food Preferences : NO ALLERGIES but *Krissy is avoiding/limiting acidic foods* -Krissy is enjoying trying new recipes so feel free to go off the list! The boys prefer "simpler" foods but can always eat something at home if needed. - Fruits, veggies & casseroles are encouraged - Pizza! Adults eat any toppings both like pepperoni & banana peppers. Levi - Cheese Luke - Pepperoni [Light or No Sauce AVOID TOMATOE PRODUCTS] - Enjoy sweets (Krissy loves cookies) but please keep in minimal! Favorite Restaurants : Chick-fil-A, Mezeh Mediterranean Grill, Doherty's, Mi Cancun, Biscuitville, Panda Express, Panera, Chilis, Brixx, Johnnys Pizza

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