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Save Innocent Grace


Have you ever been accused of something for which you were completely innocent?  If so, then you know how awful it feels and may be able to relate, some, to Grace Lescalleet’s current experience, even if yours wasn’t to the same extent.   I’ve known Grace for over 16 years.  Grace is innocent and we back her 100% knowing that she would never have endangered Wyatt, others, or herself, as she is being accused.   Don’t just take my word for it, look at the facts:   • The morning of the crash, to help her mother, Grace took 2 of her younger siblings to catch the bus/to school and then went to Starbucks with the youngest sibling, Wyatt.   • Grace also was planning on taking Starbucks to her mother, however, due to a change in request by her mother, to not bring her Starbucks at that time, Grace and Wyatt proceeded towards home.   • Grace, previously, traveled the road where the crash was, sometimes multiple times a day, and was known to slow down significantly long before the curve due to the amount of deer that were often present in that area.   • Grace was falsely accused of not wearing her seatbelt at the time of crash, which the police released into the media prior to verifying through basic investigation.  Upon pressure from the family who witnessed Grace put on her seatbelt that day, as she always did, the police further investigated and finally released to the media that they found that she was indeed wearing her seatbelt (for which she came out of during the crash – the seatbelt was still fastened).   • Grace and her family had, and still has, a civil lawsuit against responding parties, which include, Honda and Tippecanoe County, see also: Case number 79D01-2206-CT000067 in MyCase. Grace is listed as the first Plaintiff.   • Grace is also a victim of this crash and evidently, a victim of a system that is forcing her to prove her innocence.   • Grace was on life support and has shown resilience in her work towards overcoming critical injuries.  Now she needs your help with overcoming this new, egregious, obstacle in her life.  Just 1 of 3 charges, is up to 40 years.       Additional facts about Grace: • Had only 1 semester left to complete 2 degrees in Purdue University Krannert School of Business at the time of the crash.   • Previously left school during that last semester to care for her grandmother.   • On her 18th Birthday, as a senior in high school, she chose celebrating with her, now late grandfather, who was in a medical rehabilitation center and her family, instead of with her friends.   • Graduated, with honors, from West Lafayette Community School Corporation.   • Had already earned 50 credit hours going into her sophomore year at Purdue University.  Known for being exceptionally responsible, dedicated to doing her best, with a desire to then help others with the tools she learned.   • Anyone who had ridden in a vehicle with Grace, would be the first to say, that she always wore her seatbelt, and she made sure others were wearing theirs before she drove them.   • Grace loves her siblings and would not put her siblings in danger, before or since the crash.  She would have done everything in her power to protect Wyatt the day of the crash, not endanger him.   • I’ve personally sat in a courtroom in the Tippecanoe County Courthouse and witnessed the system, as related to Grace and her mother.  It appears that just because someone says something negative that it is immediately perceived as being true.   • Her mother has been a strong advocate of social justice, to include in Tippecanoe County, for decades which seems to make one a target to others ill-intentions.   • Just like her mother, Grace frequently put her wants/needs aside to help others, including family, which appeared to make her an easy target as well for those who have ill-intentions.   • Grace and her family have already lost her youngest sibling and now they are having to fight a system to prove she is innocent.   What you can do to support the family: • Please recognize the importance of Grace having a defense attorney who can advocate as hard for her as you would want for yourself or a family member, given these awful circumstances.   • Please help Grace, and her family, balance the scales of justice, by donating to a defense fund.  The initial retainer is $25,000, sans other fees.  There is a very short period of time for certain filings to be made, so paying the retainer this week is essential.   • Any amount that you choose to donate is appreciated!  Please share this link, we appreciate all that you can do to get the word out! If you are someone who prays, please pray for Grace and her family as they also believe prayer works!   • Any additional funds, not used in Grace’s legal defense fund, will be fully donated to Riley Hospital for Children, in memory of Wyatt E. Mohr, who saved his life soon after he was born.

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