Mighty Marlee was loved nation wide. Her strength and spirit touched the hearts of so many. I have questions for the Lord. Why did she have to suffer and have so many disabilities? I quickly found answers in His word. God placed her here on this earth to show and make an example for what we take for granted or what we should be doing. . Love , sacrifice, putting one before one self , health, patience, kindness, and knowledge of a extremely rare disorder where only 1 In 100,000 infants have . She was mighty all the way to her last breath being held by her mother and surrounded by family. No more pain or suffering. Keep Shane and Melody in your prayers during this difficult time. Quote from Melody, "Our precious Mighty Marlee is now resting in the arms of Jesus. We have peace knowing that she's now healed and without any sickness or disease. She's able to run, jump, eat, breathe, and be a kid. Thank you all for the love and support you've shown our family. Although her life here was too short, we know her impact lives on. She's touched many lives and will continue to do so."