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Helping the Harrells

Plaquemine, LA


Brett fell at his home on Saturday, August 7, 2021. He had no feelings in his legs. He was rushed to the hospital and it was discovered that he had a tumor on one of his vertebrae. He was brought into surgery to repair what damage they could. He did great during the surgery, however, as of today, August 10, the feeling in his legs has not returned. He will be undergoing radiation for the tumor. This page was started so that everyone can keep informed of his progress. We also started a meal train so that if you would like to bring meals to their home, to help out, it would be greatly appreciated. There is a calendar where you can document when and what you will be bringing. The main thing we ask of everyone is to Please PRAY for Brett as well as his family as this is a very trying time for all of them. Thank you all, in advance, for you thoughts, prayers and food!

Care Calendar