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Meal Train for Linda Jones

Greenfield, IN


As most of you may know, my mom Linda has been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. She started chemo treatments on Monday the 12th and will undergo treatments three times a week every other week until further notice. White Darrel focuses all of his attention to my moms recovery, they will need assistance with cooked meals. For anyone who is interested in helping, we would greatly appreciate it! We ask that you sign up for a date below to bring a home cooked meal, dinner from a local restaurant, or an Uber Eats card(Door Dash/Grub Hub Gift). We appreciate you all so very much!

Special Notes

No spicy food please. It would also be helpful when you sign up to look and see what others are bringing so she doesn't have one certain item everyday. She cannot eat too much pasta as it is too heavy in her stomach. Also is doesn't have to be a home cooked meal you can also do take out. Soups may be could as well. Ready made meal are also an idea and they can just bake it.

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