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Supporting Sasha

Portland, OR


Dear friends, Thank you so much for considering helping! Sasha (aka Alex) is my friend from both boarding school, NMH, and college, Reed. Sasha is a super fun, kind, intelligent man who loves movies and to talk about all sorts of interesting things. He competed internationally for years in rugby and was a successful attorney before the onset of his illness. I highly recommend getting to know him when you visit! Three years ago, he became suddenly ill and was in a coma for about a month. He was diagnosed with adult lymphoblastic leukemia, which he has been battling ever since. Sasha's been in and out of the hospital ever since, living in a hospital bed approximately every other day since June 2021. Last year, Sasha had a couple of bizarre/– like events, and he was ultimately diagnosed with an extremely rare neurological disorder, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). PML has an extremely poor outcome, with most people dying within three months of diagnosis. Sasha was told he had only six months to a year left to live. PML left Sasha permanently, disabled with very little use of his left arm and leg. However, Sasha has miraculously beat expectations. Not only is he still alive, but he also has recovered some strength and coordination in the left side of his body. This was something that his doctors and experts in the field could not explain. .Recently, Sasha lost vision in his right eye and neuropathy from his many treatments and chemotherapy robbed him of feeling in his hands and feet. Last week, Sasha's leukemia relapsed, this time in his central nervous system, and he just got back from 10 days in the hospital. Sasha's prognosis is undetermined. he may have as little as several months, or he may live for several more years. Sasha. just started a new round of chemotherapy delivered directly into his cerebrospinal fluid, and his cancer is almost cleared. his doctors are optimistic that Sasha can again be cancer free. Sasha. has a five. year-old daughter in Vancouver, and is in the process of divorce. Sasha, lives alone in his southeast Portland house.Most of his friends and family live elsewhere, but he doesn't want to leave Portland, because he considers it, his home, and he'd like to spend more time with his daughter in the house where she was born.. He mostly is still able to live alone, but struggles with some of the fine motor things like putting sheets on the bed and holding objects. his house was built in 1906 and it often needs a little maintenance to remain comfortable. Sasha used to be able to do almost anything by himself, but now some things are just impossible for him. He is also mostly unable to do any of the things that he used to enjoy. Even tasks that are simple for most people that he still can do generally take him a long time, so sometimes his house becomes pretty messy, especially after his daughter visits. Sasha is often very lonely, and can become very depressed by his physical limitations. I'm hoping to set up connections to people whom he can call on to help with household chores (such as assembling and disassembling furniture and cleaning), visits, and transportation to medical appointments. Doctors at the Casey Eye Institute have told Sasha that he can continue to drive because his vision in the last eye is perfect, but sometimes Sasha has medical procedures that require sedation, and he is not able to drive after such procedures.. Also, he needs help doing his taxes. One of Sasha's goals is to get his home in order to either rent the basement studio so that he can afford to stay in his house, or so that he can sell the house and move to a simpler apartment closer to his daughter. Both will require decluttering, packing of belongings, g, runs to the dump and minor construction (electrical and carpentry).

Special Notes

Many of these tasks are open ended. Give Sasha a call to coordinate timing. (801)403-3850 He would appreciate someone to share a meal or a movie as much as someone to help with an actual activity.

Care Calendar