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Help fill Maria’s belly



On April 19, 2024, Maria was admitted to Kingman Regional Medical Center for pain management and kidney cancer diagnosis. After undergoing various scans, it was determined that Maria has a significant amount of cancer in her hip, which will require a partial hip replacement. Thankfully, the MRI on her brain showed no signs of cancer, which was a hopeful outcome. However, the cancer has unfortunately spread to her lungs, liver, and bones, leading to discussions about hospice care. As a result, Maria now requires 24-hour care, and we are aiming to create a support system that minimizes worries for both Maria and her caregivers. One of the ways to alleviate the burden is by providing necessary medical supplies not covered by hospice or her insurance. To facilitate this, we will set up donation and volunteering pages. The meal train is a vital component of this support, where volunteers can contribute by providing full breakfasts, lunches, suppers, snacks, or any other items they wish to offer. Maria has dedicated her entire adult life to helping and serving foster children and their families and being a friend to everyone. Now, it is our responsibility as a community to step up and extend our help to Maria. We want to express our gratitude in advance for the time and dedication that has already been committed to assisting Maria in her journey.

Special Notes

Maria has specific preferences when it comes to food, and she can be pretty selective about what she likes to eat. I will post her likes and dislikes

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