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Will's Wellness Journey

Farmington, MI


Things went kind of sideways for us at the end of the year....2 days before Christmas, we were blindsided when what we thought was a lingering softball injury quickly turned into a rush to get blood panels, CT scans, and a bone marrow biopsy. The next few weeks, weeks typically full of holiday joy and the excitement of the new year, were instead full of uncertainty. We dug into the day-to-day activities and tried to stay present and hopeful. We received an official diagnosis last week... Will has cancer- Multiple Myeloma. Kind of rare for his age group, but nonetheless, here we are. The doctors are positive that this is a very treatable form of cancer and that Will can expect relief from his pain and discomfort soon. There are still several tests/scans that are being run and we have a very thorough, if complicated, treatment plan. *Update* Will has stopped chemotherapy in advance of his stem cell harvest and transplant. His transplant is scheduled for June 12th and will require a 3 week hospital stay at Karmanos. If all goes well, he will be home in time for celebratory fireworks on the 4th of July 🎉 Following the transplant, Will is going to be out of work for another 3-4 months before his immune system is strong enough for him to return to a group setting. We are truly grateful for our tribe. Thank you to those who have shared in this part of the journey. Your generosity with your time and attention- helping us juggle work, kids, appointments, etc. or listening to our fears and concerns, is greatly appreciated. We have a long road ahead, but we believe in our ability to meet this challenge just like all the others, with love, perseverance, and GRIT.

Special Notes

We are asking that people help support us during these 4 weeks surrounding his stem cell transplant

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