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AJ’s fight against neuroblastoma

Portland, TN


On January 6th of 2024, AJ began complaining of severe leg pain and after a few days he was taken to the Portland ER where they did not see anything in X-rays and had no positive strep, flu or Covid tests so we were sent home with a diagnosis of muscle strain. After another week went by we decided to go to the Sumner’s station ER where they did blood work, urinalysis and more X-rays. We were told that he had low iron and that we needed to follow up with a pediatrician. Upon following up with the pediatrician after the snow storm when they reopened we were given more X-rays and told that he had an iron deficiency. The whole time the pain persisted and worsened. In a very desperate attempt for answers the night of February 20th he was brought to the Vanderbilt children’s hospital ER. The team did blood work, urinalysis and on February 21st a MRI was performed on AJ’s brain and spine where they noticed an abnormality in his bones. Upon doing a CT scan to see the abnormality they noticed a large mass on his adrenal glands that is diagnosed as a cancerous tumor called a neuroblastoma. Our lives have beens forever changed over night by this event. We did not expect this kind of devastating news. I(Kelly-AJ’s mom) have created this page to keep everyone informed on AJ and to set up a go fund me and meal train for us as well as any charitable events that anyone would like to do. We are a family of 8 and it is going to be a tough road juggling 6 kids and this diagnosis. I thank everyone for all of the love and support and prayers throughout this process as I could never imagine this happening in a million years to one of my children. No child deserves to go through this. We are going to fight and keep praying for God to heal his body. As he of right now I am unable to work due to AJ’s care and my husband does have to work. Without my income we will need assistance with childcare funds, groceries, medical necessities and mortgage and utilities. We greatly appreciate all help and prayers that anyone can give for us.

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