This page is for Helena, and her four beautiful children, to support with food, care, and love, as Helena was recently diagnosed with Colon Cancer in February '24, and is now starting to fight for her life and to heal to support her beautiful children. Helena is a young dynamic and loving mother to four amazing children ~ who need their mom. As a single mom, Helena relies on the generosity and love of her community, to carry her through and empower her in this fight. Let's show Helena that she has a STRONG army, and that we believe in her strength, to win this fight and to be fully healed. "The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my helper; I put my trust in God, for he gives me strength; he is my protector and by his power, he saves me. He will be forever my refuge."
Special Notes
NOTE: Doctors recommend that all foods for mom need to be organic or locally sourced. So no fast food, or processed / synthetic foods or candy/chocolate (the children can have a regular diet, but we love encouraging them to eat as healthy as possible). The kids love pasta dishes, veggie dishes or anything that you can provide. Children do not have dietary restrictions with exception of fresh milk (so no milk shakes).