Ana rose was born 2/25 at 3 am!! Thank you for being here with us! Soon we will be posting for some visits and meal support in the meantime very grateful for the support in the form of gift cards or donations 🙏🏽🙏🏽 🌹🌹🌹 Written before birth: I’ve been very hesitant to post about this request for support, and as this week draws to a close, it feels like the right time. I would love to ask for your support to fund my maternity time off that starts next week. I’ve posted very little about this pregnancy and will share more when the time is right. But long story short is I am financially responsible for the time off I will be taking and it’s a significant strain for me at this time, and I face a reality of not having the funds on hand to feel at ease going into this time off. Baby girl could come as soon as end of next week, so starting this weekend I begin my “maternity leave” to prepare, physically and emotionally for her incoming. I’ve had several people ask “but Liv, you have a successful 6 figure business! Why do you need support??” The reality is that facing six weeks to two months of not exchanging any time or energy for money means little to no income flow for me. As much as I would love to tell you I have thriving, residual, income business, I don’t. My business thrives when I show up, when I offer sessions and coaching, and I will not be able to show up to my business and I’m choosing to focus on having a postpartum period of rest. It’s really opened my eyes to see how many mothers must fall through the cracks. I don’t qualify for any income-based assistance, I don’t have a partner or family member who is able to support me financially in this time, but I’m considered wealthy by many standards. What a paradox. It’s very humbling to face this reality of needing help. Overall I’m trying to raise about $10,000. This is probably modest compared to what I will actually need. Even if you can contribute $50 or $30 or $500, it will help. This is the new way, the aquarian way. Thank you so much if you are able to support this time!! I pray it will bless you in return. At minimum it’ll be a 6 week process so the funds will cover $4500 of rent $1000 midwife appointments $1000 baby care and postpartum supplies $2000 nutritious food during this time and paying for support to cook $1500 postpartum doula Oh and I also have not use credit cards since 2017! thank you for your support! As I mentioned officially, I’m beginning the maternity leave 2/10, so your contributions would make a difference this week or next in the most impactful way!
Special Notes
Registry for mainly secondhand and some items from Amazon :) Password anarose