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29 years old with pancreatic cancer

Warrenton, VA


Hey there, my name is Desja. I was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I was at a friend's house and looked in the mirror and noticed my eyes were yellow 😪 with no prior pain or problems....I went to the emergency room knowing that the yellowing of the eyes has to do with liver or kidney function. I ended up staying for a week and having a biopsy done of the mass that was found on my pancreas. A few days later I got a call saying "I'm sad for you because you just turned 29" I already knew where this call was going. I stay in high spirits and think positive❤️ everything happens for a reason and things will get better. I have a 3 year old son I have to stay here for❤️

Special Notes

Food donations, toy donations, cash donations, transportation offers, ECT are excellent! I need all the help I can get❤️

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