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Breast Wishes for Carrie

Mauldin, SC


My beautiful sister Carrie has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Carrie is in fight mode and will need all the support she can get. After surgery, Carrie will be limited in how much she can use her arms for at least six weeks. I am asking all our friends and family to rally around Carrie in any way they are able. Whether it be a simple message of hope and positivity, a gift card to make it easy to grab a quick and easy meal, or a donation to help with medical expenses. Anything helps and will be very much appreciated! Updates: Surgery February 22nd 3:02pm Carrie is in recovery and doing well February 29th, 2024 - Carrie has been off her pain meds for a few days now. She is doing great and crocheting up a storm. Mom, myself (Jenny) and Carrie went out for Hibatchi yesterday and got pedicures today. I want to thank all of you for being so supportive to Carrie. We all know that she has got this, but the encouragement and generosity you all have shown means so much. April 1, 2024: Hey all, Carrie here with a quick update. Thank you all for your positive encouragement and gifts over the past month and a half. I am doing really well and actually am hoping to be returning to work soon. I do have one more procedure to remove my ovaries, which is tentatively scheduled to occur later this month. I am trying to figure out now if I will return to work briefly before the procedure or remain out until after that recovery. Either way, your love and encouragement have helped me through the worst of it. I will likely be starting radiation therapy in another month. Right now, the oncologist does not feel that I will need chemotherapy, which we are hugely grateful for. So right now the plan is ovary removal (for hormone suppression), radiation therapy (~25 rounds), and pill-based hormone suppression for several years. Thank you again for the love! I love and appreciate you all. <3

Special Notes

If you are planning on preparing a meal, please remember that Carrie is a vegetarian. Michael, Ollie and Miles are not.
