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Support for Heidi Franklin

Fairview, OR


Heidi ended 2023 with much upheaval and blessings, as she lived through a car accident in Texas, despite a broken clavicle, 3 broken ribs, a lacerated liver, and a punctured lung. After 2 weeks she was cleared to fly home to Oregon, where she spent one month in a foster care home, while she had one useable arm. The car accident medical scans led to the discovery of breast cancer, for which Heidi is just getting started on the many, many steps related to treatment and medical interventions. Heidi is not yet cleared to drive, given her healing clavicle, making her ability to get to medical appointments all the more complicated, even when she is feeling well. We, her kids, have started this page to help Heidi get the help she needs, from her wonderful friends, and to update those who care about her as her treatment process unfolds.

Special Notes

Please only visit Heidi when you are well, without symptoms of illness. We are just learning her response to treatment, so please call ahead of visits, as her energy and illness may be unpredictable for a bit. Heidi works hard to adhere to an MS diet, which also turns out to be a good diet when on chemo -- avoiding dairy, breads, grains, rice, noodles, legumes, soy, and added sugar -- while meals centered around meat, veggies and fruit are preferred. Small amounts of cheese are acceptable and eggs are good too.

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