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Dana and Pat and Baby Meal Train

Syracuse, NY


Dana and Pat's baby is due in early May! We're so excited to welcome this new member of our family and community. We know Dana and Pat's community extends from Syracuse clear across the country to Seattle and all over the world, and this page is a place for us to all come together and shower them with love and support during this big change in their lives. Pat & Dana have let us know that the most helpful form of support will be in the form of homemade meals delivered to the house, or contributions to a meal fund. You can sign up to deliver meals on the calendar, or contribute to the meal fund or flower fund (detailed below). 1. Contribute to a meal fund - There are not enough restaurants we love in Syracuse to justify a "takeout fund." Instead, we are thinking of hiring a skilled cook in the neighborhood to make us dinner sometimes. Doesn't that seem fun? If you want to contribute to a fund for this project, you can send money to Pat via PayPal, Venmo, or snail mail with a note saying "meal fund." 2. Contribute to a flower fund - Our friend Mark is an aspiring flower farmer! Help us fund a regular cadence of new bouquets to decorate our space this summer (and support a farmer)! Pay Pat via PayPal, Venmo, or snail mail with a note saying "flower fund." UPDATE Baby Lucy surprised her parents with an early appearance this week! After a rush of last minute nursery preparations, Dana was a complete super star, Pat was an awesome support, and Lucy entered the world at 7 lbs 6 oz and 19 inches. (For those of you doing the math, she was 3 weeks early.) Everyone is well and resting and they plan to be home on Thursday the 18th.

Special Notes

1. Limit cheese, please! Dairy cooked into things is okay (ex. butter in a baked good), but please no cream or cheese-heavy casseroles, desserts, etc. If in doubt, you can opt for one of the above funds. 2. The baby is a girl, yay! Pat & Dana request that gifts, cards, acknowledgment of the baby be gender neutral (i.e. not overwhelmingly pink and/or fluffy). 3. If you have questions about this site, please contact Pat's sister Bridget.

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