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Teaming Up for Tiffany

Sonora, CA


Hello Friends & Family, This page was created to bring together love and support for Tiffany. While she is a fighter and so strong, sometimes even the strongest need to be held. Tiffany was officially diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2021 but her symptoms began years before that. MS is a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). In MS , the immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibers and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of your body. In 2016 she had her first MS flare, meaning her immune system attacked her own body and created a lesion in her brain. At the time, doctors thought it was a stroke but we know now that that was MS. In 2021 she had her second flare up, this time on her spinal cord which rendered her paralyzed. Thankfully, Tiffany responded to steroid treatments, completely changed her diet and lifestyle to heal from within and slowly was able to walk again. Now 2024 , most recently, Tiffany had another flare up. This time with two lesions, which caused vision loss in her left eye and severe pain. Once again she has responded well to steroid treatments and her vision is getting better. Unfortunately, this is what living with a chronic illness such as MS leads to - uncertainty. During these times it is vital for Tiffany to get as much rest as possible, minimize her stress levels and put all her energy into recovery. Any donation towards meals, groceries & babysitting is one less task for Tiff & her family so that her healing can be the priority. Thank you so much for all of your love, support and prayers during the tough times, it always gives her the strength to push forward.

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