Hi friends! My water broke very unexpectedly at just under 27 weeks pregnant. I was life flighted quickly from St. Joes in Lewiston to Sacred Heart Children’s hospital in Spoke. Very scary n the moment. But all is well so far! I am not in labor and the baby is not in any distress. We are being really well taken care of here and we are grateful for our current circumstances (others here haven't been so lucky). I am a permanent resident here until the baby is born. Being way from the boys for this long is by far the most mentally challenging thing I have ever encountered in my life. I brag a lot about the circle of people we have in our lives, by let me tell you, there are no words to express my gratitude for everyone that has stepped up and wrapped my family in love, support and prayers. Thank you doesn’t seem adequate. I am forever humbled and grateful and have no idea how I’ll reciprocate. We have just stepped into this road, and while it will be long, we are blessed. We are healthy and safe and optimistic.
Special Notes
We would love your support via gas gift cards, Uber Eats, or if you want to contribute directly, Kylee's Venmo is listed under fundraising. Thanks so much!