It’s hard enough keeping up with everything when you have a household member fighting cancer. Just a couple of days ago, my sister was also diagnosed with Stage 3 Diffuse Large B-Cell lymphoma of the intra-abdominal lymph nodes and will be starting an aggressive chemo treatment beginning on Wednesday, July 21st. We want her to have as much support as possible to fight this ugly disease. Please sign up for this “meal train” where we can cook something delicious for them so they don’t have to go to the store or cook for themselves, saving all energy to focus on the fight!! This effort will also save them on their grocery bill considering both of them are now out of work. My sister would do anything for anyone at the drop of a hat, if asked (and sometimes even without being asked). Let’s pay that compassion forward and return the favor to her, now. I’ve never done anything like this before so please be patient while I learn the ins and outs of this site. Also, please choose a date where you could cook them a home cooked meal and deliver it to them. If we all take turns and choose several dates on the calendar, we will be helping them immensely!! Not a great cook? Maybe deliver a gift card to door dash or a restaurant that delivers so they can order in on a date that nobody selected. You can even deliver the gift card and maybe take Cooper out in the yard to play for a few so she can rest while she’s not feeling well. ANY help is beyond appreciated!!! We will help you win this battle, Deb!!!
Special Notes
Please keep in mind that Jerome has a severe onion allergy. Dried onions and onion POWDER is ok, but please do not prepare their meals with actual onions. Thank you!