Hi Ladies, Today our Sister Monica Martinez had surgery and it would be great if we could bless her with some meals. Her surgery went well, so now she is on the road to recovery and by helping her with meals, she won't have to worry about feeding her family and can focus on healing. Because it's a surgery, we will provide her with lunches and dinners for 5-days, which will begin on Wednesday April 24th through Monday April 29th (we are skipping Sunday April 28th). Also, on Saturday the 27th, they only need dinner, so we will be skipping lunch that day. If you are able to provide a meal for any of these days, please sign up on the calendar below and as usual, if you sign up and need to cancel for any reason please remove your slot on the calendar and text me at (505) 301-9030 so I know a slot has opened up. If you need to deliver a meal at a different time than indicated on the calendar, please contact Marissa Martinez at (505) 933-1834, and she will relay the information to Monica. And if you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me. Thank you ladies again, and I don't say it enough....You ALL are awesome and such a blessing. I pray God blesses you enourmously, I'm so grateful for each and every one of you.
Special Notes
The doctors told Monica that she should not eat spicy foods and that greens would be good for her. So please do not send any spicy foods and, if you can, include some greens that would be great. :) Thank you!!!!