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Meals for Melissa


Melissa FINALLY gets to receive shoulder surgery!! This has been a long, 8 month wait. Of course, she won't be feeling the greatest for a few weeks, so we would love to get her some meals to make her life easier. I've created this meal train to make this a smooth process and to make sure they also don't get too overloaded with meals. I understand not all of you have time or don't live close by, so if you would like to help in any other way such as donating some grocery money for me to fix her the meals, we can arrange that! Please contact me, Amanda, at 970-631-5959 to set up a time for me to pick up the meal and if you have any questions. Thank you all so much!! And here's to mom finally getting her shoulder fixed ♡

Special Notes

Please NO NUTS of any kind. Other allergies in the home include: mangos, cantaloupe, and honeydew. Thanks!!

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