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Angël’s Post-op Recovery

Seattle, WA


A message from Angël: Just wanted to start off by saying I appreciate you for taking the time to read this and giving me the space to be extremely vulnerable with you all! Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with Endometriosis at 18 and within the 12 years to follow it’s been an increasingly painful nightmare…from sharp pains throughout the day, restless nights curled up on the bathroom floor, and even trips to the ER.  I’ve had one minor surgery before to try to ease my symptoms but that only revealed that I not only have the highest stage of endometriosis, but I also have countless large cysts and scar tissue that has crept its way from my uterus into my entire reproductive system and all the way up into my abdominal wall. So, long story short, having a total hysterectomy is truly my last resort and hopefully will release me from this crippling disease. My surgery is on 1/19 and the recovery time will be six to eight weeks because of the extent of my endometriosis. Thank you for your support in my healing journey.

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