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Meal train for the Smith family

Easley, SC


On March 24, 2024, Sean Smith was involved in a serious motorcycle accident. It was the grace of God that kept Sean with us. This was a very serious accident, and Sean received some serious injuries, but the outcome could have been much worse. He has a broken leg, arm, and pelvis, with a lot on internal injuries to his abdomen. The good news is that, as of this morning (3/26), the breathing tube has been removed, and Sean was able to speak with a chaplain and have prayer with him. Sean is still in ICU, and not currently taking visitors. What Sean needs most right now is rest and time to begin the healing process. The medical staff at Greenville Memorial seem to feel really good about Sean’s prognosis, so that is certainly great news. Please continue to pray for Sean and his family. We will post updates as we are made aware. TRPD Command Staff and Chaplain McWhite are in contact with Sean's wife and family at this time. Sean and his family will likely face a long road to recovery. We would like to offer some assistance to Sean's wife, Made Smith and their families, in the form of food and grocery gift cards to ease their burden during this time. Thanks to each of you for your contributions to the Smith family.
