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Getting grandma to Spokane


I'm January 2023 we found that Jennie has a 6.8mm brain aneurysm, after MRI's and a CT angeo and an appointment with neurosurgery in Spokane it has come to light that she needs to get to Spokane to have a diagnostic procedure- where a camera is passed through the femoral artery in her leg bypassing her heart and into the brain to measure the size of the aneurysm as well as blood flow and urgency. After this is done an appointment will be set up to either coil or Stent the aneurysm. Mom & Allen are both on disability and do not have the financial funds to make it to Spokane for these trips. We are asking for help from family and friends to help us get this done before it becomes life threatening. The first appointment is March 7th. We will also be opening a benefit account at the bank of commerce.

Special Notes

Please no fish, ricotta or liver (haha)
