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Love for Jeff and Grace Arends and family

Kerman, CA


Hi, my name is Grace Arends, I have Multiple Sclerosis, Trigeminal Nueralgia and have recently suffered a major set back with my illnesses. I am immune compromised due to my treatments that prevent my body from attacking itself and recently diagnosed with immunoglobulin G deficiency. I am unable to fight off infection. I have to receive IVIG therapy to heal. My husband, Jeff was in a serious car accident in 2022, was severely injured and we will be traveling between Los Angeles and Sacramento for his MAJOR surgery and after care and physical therapy. As you can imagine it’s been a very tough couple of years and now our daughter, Pamella will be needing surgery soon, although minor it has been so hard with the loss of time off work for both my husband and daughter and we find ourselves needing to reach out. If you feel it in your heart to donate to help our family we would greatly appreciate it. It’s not easy to ask but necessary. We have been through the wringer and have a long road to go. Anything would help. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for all your support. Your prayers are greatly appreciated for our family ❤️

Special Notes

Jeff has no dietary restrictions Pamella is dairy free due to allergy Grace needs soft foods, soups and protein drinks due to her condition with trigeminal neuralgia

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