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Support & Meal Train for Coach Liz, Hunter & Mae

Allen, TX


Coach Elizabeth's husband was injured in a car accident & required surgery. His recovery could last as long as 4 weeks until he is able to be up & about. While Elizabeth has some help of family & friends with caring for Hunter & Mae, Elizabeth will have more on her plate in addition to coaching our kiddos & traveling for meets. One of Elizabeth's concerns right now is having time to shop, prep & prepare food for herself & Mae with her busier than usual schedule. Hunter usually took care of Mae while Elizabeth coached, but Mae will now be in LT's childcare center to allow Hunter time to rest. Therefore, Liz's biggest meal concern is getting home & having a quick dinner so that Mae can get to bed on time! Below is a list of their favorite stores, meals, and food preferences. If you wish to contribute via a gift card & not sign up for a specific date, there are options on this site. You may wish to give her something not included here & that's ok too.... I am also happy to collect funds to purchase cards or to pass along for medical financial assistance.

Special Notes

Elizabeth will set up an area on her porch to accept deliveries anytime between 7am-2pm M-F, but anytime is okay on the weekends. She is willing to accept items at practice, but there is no place to store perishable items, so at the end of practice is preferred. Elizabeth has an HEB about a mile from her house, so that is her primary grocery store where she frequently orders groceries to pick up. Some of their favorite eateries include: Chick-Fil-A, Panera, Firehouse, Cotton Patch. There are no allergy restrictions, just prefer to avoid anything spicy. They have freezer space for future meals. Mae loves anything cheesy, fruity or meaty. Her biggest need is dinner but lunches are needed too & gift cards are always helpful.

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