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Meal Train for Jen

Iron River, WI


Update from Jen Feb 7, 2024 I had a successful surgery and doctors were able to remove all the cancer. I am scheduled to have another reconstructive surgery later this year. I am officially home and recovery has been rough in the sense that I am unable to lift anything greater than 10 lbs, not able to perform repetitive movements or even lift my arms above my head for another 4 weeks (6 in total). Our family is so thankful for all the wonderful meals that have been provided and will be provided. It truly helps us navigate this difficult time! We are relatively new to the area and have been blown away by the generosity and kindness. Original Post: Jen had her mastectomy today, January 18. Jen will go to her mother's house after the surgery for at least two weeks to be able to fully rest and recover. Dan will stay at home with Thorsten during this time. We wanted to set up a meal train for when Jen returns home to allow Dan to focus on Jen and Thorsten while Jen acclimates back to homelife. Let's rally behind Jen and Dan to show our support during this time!

Special Notes

Thank you if you donated or made a meal for them! Friendly suggestion…. Drop restaurant certificates off by Friday to be used for weekend meals. Weekly meals can be dropped off at Smiling Faces by 4:00 ish daily and Dan will pick up at 4:30.

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