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Cam's Care Community

Seattle, WA


Hi there friends and family! I'm less than a month out from my top surgery (yayy!!!) and am sending out the bat signal to all my loved ones. I've created a 7 week schedule of support that includes meals and visits. Please check your calendars and start considering what you might be able to commit to in helping me heal well. As a transmasculine nonbinary person, having a flat chest has been a dream of mine since puberty. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude that I get to pursue this life and gender affirming medical care in this state to feel more at home in my body. Thankfully, I am able to go on medical leave for up to 6 weeks through my job. Truly, any support helps and is greatly appreciated. Thank you! I love you! ~Cam

Special Notes

The first week of recovery, I'll be staying with my mom in the Mt Baker neighborhood but will mostly be resting and am not really going to take any social visits. The second week of recovery, I'll be staying at my auntie's...this is also in the Mt. Baker neighborhood. There is 1 step up to the front door and one step into the house. I'll be staying on the ground floor. By week three of my recovery, I'll be back at my apartment in the Greenwood/Crown Hill neighborhood. There are 2 flights of stairs here.

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