Hi family and friends, As some of you may know, Aréema injured her ankle at work nearly 2 years ago and is FINALLY getting surgery on February 27th! The recovery time is about 8weeks and for at least four of those weeks she will be non weight bearing. Though we have a large household Areema will be home alone most of the day while everyone is at work. We imagine cooking will be difficult and anticipate breakfast and lunch being the biggest need for support, aside from some comfort and mobility items. If you would like to send Aréema snacks or a meal or help make her as comfy as possible, your kindness will be appreciated. Additionally being home is tough, get well texts, book suggestions, and binge worthy shows are a sweet way to support our girl.
Special Notes
I’m sure you know Aréema has plenty of dietary restrictions. She is pescatarian and avoids dairy soy and eggs. Additionally she is anaphylactic to Oranges, cherries, and tree nuts. Aréema loves açaí bowls from Wayland Fresh, tropical smoothie (paradise point), pasta, Indian, and African (attieke and fish) food. Home cooked meals are always welcome too. While surprises are lovely, for her safety please check with us about ingredients first.