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Love for Jasmin

Modesto, CA


Jasmin tore her ACL entirely when a girl hit her to the ground and smashed her little fingers. There was a loud popping noise and Jasmin was immediately screaming all.the way to the hospital. We found out that there was no way she could go on with her knee like that and on January 11th she'll be having surgery. They told us the surgery is very fast but the recovery is going to be very tough. She will have to learn how to use her knee again. She will need 3 weeks in bed and 4 months of physical therapy, 3 times a week. We're told it will be painful but she will recovery. As her mother, I can just feel how scared she is but I'm putting on a brave face. I took a week off of work and wish I could take off more. Any help with groceries and meals that week or the next two weeks after would be amazing. I rely on work to feed my family of 7. Missing any work after Christmas will be overwhelming so I just wanted to reach out to anyone who is able to help. Thank you so much. Keep my baby girl in your prayers.

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