Lauren Myers’s and her family is a member of our Beulah Community Church and will be having a major surgery on Thursday, April 25, 2024 and will be down for a minimum of 4 weeks. She will be unable to fix meals for her 3 children and her husband will be working during the day. It will make her and her family's life easier while she is incapacitated and greatly appreciated. Anything for breakfast, lunch and dinner and any disposable items to eat and drink with would help her husband keep the house clean and give him more time helping the kids and taking care or his wife. Providing meals ready to eat or that can be easily prepared or reheated would be welcome. If you have any questions please contact Tammy Monk @ 318-348-5694 via text or call Alicia Pitts @ 318-614-5104 via text or call.
Special Notes
The only restriction I was informed of was no onions and no mustard. The family said they eat just about anything and it is all welcome. You can deliver it to the family home at 570 Richard Linder Road in Calhoun or call Tammy or Alicia and deliver it to the church and it will be picked up.