Katie has had numerous health concerns over the past few years that have required many tests, scans, medication and oncology visits. With a risk three times greater than average of her developing breast cancer, a mastectomy was recommended as a proactive measure to greatly reduce that risk. Acting upon her doctor's advice, Katie has chosen to prioritize her long-term health and will undergo a prophylactic double mastectomy on March 5, 2024.
Special Notes
We all know that Katie is an amazing person who will drop everything for anyone who is in need, while simultaneously taking care of her own never-ending responsibilities. This is the time that she needs us and she more than deserves the help. Her biggest concern is having dinner ready for her family, so she can concentrate on healing. Please sign up for a night to take care of dinner- whether you want to cook it yourself (anything but fish! :), or send a food delivery or a Door Dash gift card.