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Jen's village support link!


Jen does so much for so many let's pitch in and do what we can to support her while she's recuperating from her back surgery! Coordinating with Jen about where/when to drop off meals is best - you can text her at (253) 525 - 7007. I'm organizing this from afar (in Seattle) but feel free to msg me if you need any help. And if you've got it in you to help with horsey chores, I'm sure Jason wouldn't mind a night off from time to time 😉 I put the available times to help in once a week but honestly I'm sure they'd take what they can get, more or less frequently if you're able.

Special Notes

No food allergies in this house and Jen reports that they're all good eaters (no obvious ew none of that please!). But let's try to be creative so they don't end up with 5 lasagnas in their freezer. Things that create easy leftovers for Rowan to take for lunch the next day are also a big plus. And if cooking isn't your thing, feel free to spring for a gift card to a local eatery they can order in from. Why not do something outside the box like breakfast for dinner! I love 7pm pancakes, don't you?

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