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Nicole Nance's Healing Food Train

Hemet, CA


Hello everyone, Now that things have kinda come to a slow down for our family I was able to finally take this time to schedule to have a surgery that has been needed for me to be able to get back on my feet and take care of my family the way I always have. Unfortunately My healing and recovery time are now expected to take a little longer then expected due to having to put things on hold so our family could get through some very life-changing moments with the loss of my husband and my mom. This was a very big decision to make but also one with a very positive outcome. With that being said, I am coming to you guys in hopes to try and make one thing out of many in these coming weeks during this recovery time a little easier. I am not able to get around at this time an it will be at least a few more weeks before even some of the regular everyday basic activities become something I'm able to do for myself on my own again. So help with dinners would be so incredibly appreciated. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a little something will go a very long way. Thank you all so very much in advance.

Special Notes

There really isn't any special requests outside of, no mustard and Nothing too Hot/spicy, most flavors are always appreciated. Raised in a house where "PICKY" wasn't acceptable. Lol.

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