This is a page where we can all come together to provide support for our beloved Pallavi, Peter and Noa. We wish them strength and healing and send them all of our love. * * * * * INSTRUCTIONS / LOGISTICS * * * * * We are starting off with lunch and dinner to get into the flow of things but then will be adding additional ways that we can all help (dinners, mid-day walks, dropping off groceries, etc). To start, please sign up by clicking "I'll help!" on whichever day. Then you can specify whether you'll be ordering delivery or dropping off food yourself. You can write down the type of food or restaurant that will be dropped off so that the Spraus aren't eating the same thing every day! :-) Location info: - please both check the site and text Pallavi / Peter to triple check that the food is going to the right location (hospital vs home) and that it's for the right number of people (given family members will be in and out as well) LPCH address: 725 Welch Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94304 Pallavi and Peter's address: 31 Los Altos Square, Los Altos, CA 94022 Will update the above based on the family's location and preferences!! We love you Noa, Peter and Pallavi <3