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Kats new heart ❤️


I’ve never done anything like this before…but I’ve also never had open heart surgery before also. Life is hard as it is…and everyone has told me to stop stressing and accept the help. So here I am. After I had my first child I started feeling symptoms. Heart murmur…it got bigger and bigger, shortness of breath, chest pain that went down my arm, my pulse was beating so hard you could see it. Finally advocated for myself and at this point I was 8 weeks pregnant with my son because the other times I went to a doctor I was turned away with them Sagi g “you’re young. You’re probably fine.” I would cry to my husband and tell him “I KNOW I’m not fine.” Once a doctor finally listened to the murmur I was sent to a cardiologist. I got a heart echo and they found that I need an aortic valve transplant I have a hole and a left ventricle anurism. So with all of that they’ll open me up fix the valve and hole…repair the anurism and possibly give me a permanent t pace maker. I’m scared but I’m also excited to start feeling better. I’m so tired and run down because my heart is working extra to pump blood. Anyways…I am a hairstylist we have two small children and life is hard and expensive as it is so a little bit of help will go such a long way. I will be the most grateful person on this planet. ❤️❤️❤️

Special Notes

No diet restrictions except tgat we eat fairly healthy. No allergies. My son is still on formula but also slowly trying new foods.

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