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Supporting Linsey

Jefferson, GA


This page is to show support and bring relief to our friend and sister, Linsey Martin, and her family. Linsey, a wife, mom of young children, and pediatric physical therapist. Linsey will have knee surgery on 3/20/24, to repair a large meniscus tear. This will be a minimally invasive scope, but she will be non-weight-bearing for a long while. This page is set up to come together and coordinate elements of support for Linsey and her family, as her husband will be managing a lot during this time. Specific prayer requests are as follows: - Healing time and recovery, especially as she navigates being a mom while healing - Pray against any flare-ups from complex regional pain syndrome - That community would come alongside their family, being in a state without family near - For Linsey's current employer and the transition to independent employment.

Special Notes

We will add Linsey's family's dietary restrictions and preferences here.

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