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Megan's Culinary Care Crew

San Diego, CA


As many of you know, Megan is undergoing knee surgery on 1/25/2024. First, we're relieved the procedure is finally happening! However, it means 6 weeks on crutches and limited movement. We will update this page as needed! In the meantime, Meg has shared some anxieties about the recovery so I thought it would be helpful to bring the community to her! This is a secret, so please don't say anything to Meg unless she asks (indicating I told her). This page will allow you to sign up for one of these evenings! To avoid confusion, this is not a meal trail! We will provide the food, you just need to provide the company! If Thursdays don't work, let me know! Text me if you have any questions or concerns (330) 814-1354.

Special Notes

We try to eat plant-based, so let us know of any dietary restrictions you have prior to coming over! Four-legged friends are welcome!

Care Calendar